
Intimacy or as it should be known, IN 2 ME C

Tonight I took part in a workshop on intimacy. Before you reach for your parental controls, relax! This is a PG rated blog :-D

I was invited to such workshop by a girl in my bookgroup. I had no idea how many women would be attending or what we would talk about. All that I did know was the speaker, a vivacious (I love that word and love using it to describe someone) woman I first met years ago when I started exploring my spiritual growth. Robyn was one of 'those' women (if you've been a faithful reader, you know what I'm talking about) that at first glance, would completely intimidate me and appear unapproachable. She's tall, blonde(ish) and wears a lot of leopard, and her hair is STUNNING!!!! Somehow I overlooked all of this and gravitated towards her, and discovered her inner beauty as well. Her exuberance and passion for life and love just radiated from her.

Fast forward some years. Everytime I ran into Robyn, it was a pleasure. Full of love and wanting to spread (though not preach) the words and path she had embraced (Abraham books, The Secret, and The Law of Attraction). I had dabbled a bit and thought I knew 'enough'.

Anyway, Robyn was conducting the workshop that I chose to attend tonight on Intimacy (the play on words was shared by another lovely attendee - it's so important to love ourselves in order to truly be intimate, hence the IN 2 ME C).

Some of the discussion and dialogue tonight was familar, but the warmth, support and yes, intimacy of the group (15 women) made it special.

Robyn believes that what you focus on, expands, and encourages us all to 'make lists' (now we're talking) about our husbands and their best qualities and focus on them. It's all good stuff.

If you want to be a woman in love, ACT like a woman in love. Set the intention (vibration) high and it will boomerang back.

She reminded us that 'love' is really 'moments' and like stringing a pearl necklace, we need to add these moments and remember them and be aware. It just feels better.

I shared something that I had read in Dr. Laura's 'The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands' - "treat your husband like you want your future daughter in law to treat your son". Powerful words!

Hey, all I know is that I got into the car and couldn't wait to call my husband and tell him that I love him.

By the way, no joke, Robyn has stenciled on her wall in her home, ...."and they lived happily ever after...."

1 comment:

Jackie said...

I love this Karen, sounds like an awesome seminar. I've been following you blog daily and really enjoying it - fantastic!!
