

I used to dread Mondays, but now I look forward to them. Why? Because since January 7 of this year, I have been doing a daily gratitude exchange with a girlfriend I reconnected with after TOO many years of not connecting (we simply lost touch, moved away, had separate lives, etc.). We each list 5 things that we are grateful for. Every Monday, as soon as I arrive at work, I open my email and then stop to think, "Ok, what am I truly grateful for today". Stopping to think AND writing it down AND sharing it with a close friend is an incredible experience. There IS so much to be grateful for that we take for granted, and more than that, on the days when I'm just NOT feeling it, I am pushed onward by the faith and belief that my friend has in me, to come up with 'something'.

Some days are filled with 'quickies' such as:
1. morning coffee
2. good hair day
3. no traffic
4. great sleep
5. roof over my head

That's ok! They are ALL wonderful things to be grateful for.

Other days are filled with more in-depth details and on those really rough days, we've both been known to write stuff like: I'm really sorry but I can't think of anything. THOSE are the times when being on the receiving end really counts. We remind each other of what IS working or we commiserate together and then realize that we are thankful and grateful for our friendship, our correspondence, our mutual admiration, our honesty, our good hair days.....see how much easier it is when you don't go it alone?

Anyway, give it a try. Instead of dreading Mondays, look forward to them. Perspective is everything and instead of bemoaning the fact that you're stuck in traffic, be thankful that you have a job, and that you are driving in a car instead of walking, of if you are walking, that you have two healthy legs to take you there, dressed in warm clothes and shoes, with food in your belly and a roof waiting for you when you return home, hopefully to someone that loves you and values you.

I will close by sharing two of my 5 gratitude statements today:

Today I am grateful for so much:

1. my blog as a writing outlet, and all the incredible feedback and response I've received.

2. friends - the older (and hopefully wiser) I get, the more I come to appreciate the incredible people I'm surrounded by and that means YOU, bigtime!!!!


Unknown said...

Soky, I love reading your new blog. You're a warm, welcoming writer, and I am grateful for that!


P.S. I look forward to reading online, each Monday morning, the weekly Publisher Weekly book reviews.

SOX said...

thanks cynthia - i am extremely grateful for my internet friends! you guys rock!!!
