
I, Me, Mine

I’m running away from it all. I'm going to a deserted island (in my mind) - you can't find me and I can't find you. I'm leaving behind my computer, my life, my identity.

I want a break.

I want to be like Greta Garbo and be alone.

I want to be alone and not feel lonely.

I want to not answer any questions, or ask any questions.

I want to miss people that I don't like.

I want to cry, laugh, shout, sing, dance, scream, and not have anyone watching.

I want to lower my expectations until they completely disappear and then welcome whatever comes my way.

I want to get it on paper and release it.

I’m going to stop wanting and start accepting.

I’m anticipating tomorrow because it is a new day with new possibilities.

I’m warmed by the support and love that reaches out and grabs me

I welcome the change, because change is always good.

I am prepared to wait, however long I need to, because some things are worth waiting for.

I will speak softer and listen louder.

I will be.

I have put it on paper and feel the release.

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