
So Many Books.....so little time

Recently someone asked me what I do with 'all my books'. Someone else mentioned very casually that they read a book and then immediately lend it (insert give, as we all know that once we lend a book, we rarely see it returned, excepting of course, a very special friend of mine that not only reads and returns within a two week period, but sometimes brings a small gift as a thank you, as well as a 'quickie book discussion' on such borrowed tome).

I have 'tried' to 'let go' of my books, I really have. I just really like 'having' them. I get pleasure looking at their covers, being reminded of where/when I read a certain novel,collecting works by prolific authors (sometimes different versions of the same book too!), and of course, always having something on hand to read.

I do bring books to the Club where I work and donate them, as well as donate to my local library too (though I usually end up coming home with just as many from their library sale!).

As I sit here in my office, I look to the left and the right of me. Books are everywhere. On my desk, thrown into a laundry tub, stacked on the floor in piles, and the closet door slightly askew beckons to me, as it too is filled with my friends.

I have one small bookcase in my room after years of begging/wanting/needing one, that holds maybe 70 books. I agonized over just 'what' to put on 'display' and finally came up with:

top shelf - TBR (to be read) - of course I have many MANY more TBR, but these are the ones that I really 'want' to get to (I have YET to take ONE off that shelf, btw)

2nd shelf - favorites of all time, or books I really really liked (plus 'turned sidesways' - old 'paperbacks' from my past that I adored)

3rd shelf - historical/Tudor themed novels (yup, I have just that many!)

4th shelf - recently read and liked fiction, plus some books on writing

5th shelf - series of books, plus some non fiction faves

Sooooooooo.....all the rest are stacked haphazardly (around the house) - some in the bathroom, some on my nightstand, MOST in piles in my office or 'thrown' into a shelved closet (but stacked messily - though I can find whatever I want when I need to). We won't talk about the unpacked boxes of books in the basement.

When I decide to visit the used book store (because I need more books, right?), I carefully pick up and 'revisit' the books I am considering for 'eviction'. I'm very cold with the ones I have never read (and realize WILL never read) and quickly toss them into 'that' pile. Others are debated over by being flipped through, remembering when and/or who I purchased the book with (or was it a gift), and as the pile grows (and then decreases as I realize I 'can't' say goodbye just yet), I usually end up hours later wondering what I was doing, why am I surrounded by all these wonderful books, and then contently sigh, and continuing reading.

This year I vow to buy (slightly) less, and read (slightly) more of my owned books. Yes, I made the same resolution last year and will again next year, and that's okay, in my book ;-)


MizB said...

Want some motivation for the "read (slightly) more of my own books" goal, SOKY? Come see the 2nd year run of my "RYOB (Read Your Own Books)" Challenge. ;)

I keep telling myself I'll read more of my own, and then end up still reading a good deal from the library... but we're making SOME progress, anyway! LOL.


SOX said...

thanks MizB - i will definitely check out your site and see if i'm up for the challenge!
