
In the beginning.....

And so it begins........
Not really sure how to go about this blog type thingie, but I'm going to attempt to contribute, 'in my own way', because I love to write, respond, react, correspond, communicate, you name it. I do tend to do 'this' alot, so expect 'quotes' around things. It's not that I think you don't necessarily 'get it’; it's more that I feel the need to emphasize my point. Get 'it'????? If not, feel free to google something far more interesting (to YOU!).

Speaking of google, they call me the 'google queen' at work (it should come as no surprise to you, dear reader, that I work in written communications at a private golf and country club (if you’ve been following along, you will understand that the emphasize here is placed on communications, NOT the fact that my employer is a GOLF country club, as I don’t ‘do’ sports!), creating, managing and keeping ‘current’, their website, monthly newsletter, posters, menus, etc . Whenever someone questions 'something', I must find the solution, and so boldly and fearlessly and trusting I go, fingers happily ‘googling’ away. The key is knowing exactly ‘what’ to search for. Yes I take great pride in my abilities to 'surf the net', as my talents in general, are far and few between (a list of my talents will surface eventually – I am a great list maker and keeper!)

So besides flitting back and forth from one fascinating subject to the next, I tend to ramble on passionately when I feel, uh, passionate about something, and then lose interest just as easily. You’ll have to try keep up with me as I segue way (my new favorite word) from one topic to the next. It makes perfect sense to me, but not always to others. For examples, after mentioning my new favorite word, segue way, I immediately googled it to try and get the spelling correct, only to be directed to website after website about segways, those funky cool vehicles that you can ride around in upright on two wheels.

I think I’ll try and write daily (or every other day) and pick a topic of interest or a highlight about my life and expand upon it. I’ve already been forwarned by my son Sam (who is my almost constant background ‘noise’ – exposing me to new and old music (currently listening to Wilco, Death Cab for Cutie, and John Frusciante, whom I despise, but find myself humming) NOT to embarrass or ridicule him. You will have to be the judge of that.

Today I am musing over the past 24 hours (I usually muse over the past 20 years, but that’s another blog, for another day). I will spare you the details, but I had a colonoscopy yesterday. It wasn’t my first, in fact it was my 10th. Nine years ago while I was busy obsessing about losing 10 (20) lbs, my on-going battle with hair, and turning 40, I somehow wound up being diagnosed with colon cancer! Fortunately it was in the earliest of stages and I required a colon resection and the only follow up treatment being yearly colonoscopies (though I am now only going to have them every two or three years). I also became a volunteer for Colon Cancer Canada and take great pride in being able to 'give back' what I can, which is usually my time, and my voice(people GET your asses checked out!). I am quite the expert on ‘prepping for a colonoscopy’, and being the avid and voracious reader that I am, as well as the owner of an iPhone loaded with music (‘borrowed’ mainly from the library of Sam), I am prepared. The uncomfortable part has always been in the ‘drink’ needed to be consumed (drinking clear fluids for 24 hours is manageable for me, as long as I sneak in a small snack when I’m beyond starving of 6 Triscuits, which tides me over nicely and seems to be undetected in the ‘scope’ procedure), as guzzling too many ounces of ‘pleasant orange tasting oil’ twice or more, is repellent to me. This year the prep was new. One dulcolax tablet two nights before, followed by 5 oz of water added to a Pico Salex sachet (isn’t a sachet a sweet smelling packet of flowers/herbs?) once at noon, and again at 6pm. Worked like a charm, aided I’m sure, by the McDonalds meal of 2 filet 'O fish and large fries, that I had consumed (and then quickly expelled) earlier that day.
The prep itself was more than fine, and easy too, but once we arrived at the hospital, I was told they were short staffed with nurses, which caused a little anxiety on my end (no pun intended). My regular doctor wasn't going to perform the colonoscopy (I knew that) but I was again, a little anxious, when the 'lady doctor' (picture a female Doogie Howser - and by the way, I am a huge Neil Patrick Harris fan, and love How I Met Your Mother, but I digress.....) said to me, "Hmmm....according to your chart, the latter half of your colon is all twisted and I'll need to tred carefully." TWISTED???? I NEVER KNEW THIS. Of course I went into 'good girl' mode and just smiled weakly and put all my faith and trust into her. Mistake! I told her I really need to be 'put out' and she scowled and said, "Well, we give you something to relax you, but certainly not put you out - let me know if you need more medicine". I was then asked to turn on my side and felt something enter my rectum. I said, "Ummm...I feel that", and was ignored. Then she continues pushing as well as leaning over and pushing on my stomach. I said, "that really hurts" and she says, "Oh, ok, I'll up your medicine". This continued for the next 15 minutes or so. I silently cried and just prayed that all was well. I was so happy to come home. Fell asleep at home for 2 hours (mental exhaustion, I'm sure) and then woke up and ate something (toasted flat pumpernickel bagel smeared with chopped whitefish salad from BagelWorld). I'm living and have no polyps. Could be worse.
As Scarlett O'Hara said, 'Tomorrow is another day!", and frankly, I'm happy to have one and I DO give a damn!


Cheryl said...

You should be writing a book - I am looking everywhere for spell check on this site - lol
I love reading your thoughts as I have loved travelling down the road of life with you and your family - falling over rocks, tripping and still moving on - you always have a smile on your face and can make any situation workable - I love and respect you - and know that my dad would be so proud of both of us

Unknown said...

reminds me of when I was getting that needle in my spine while delivering Evening the anesthetist makes a comment about me having scoliosis. I mean not a good time to make a comment like that I was freaked out ENOUGH with a needle going into my spine!!!
